Lending Groups
Another huge part of the support that we now offer comes in the form of our Village Saving and Loans Associations (VSLA’s). Centred around sustainable methods of saving and borrowing, the VSLA’s have enabled the community to work together on growing both employment opportunities and access to education.
How it works
- A community group of around 20 people is formed
- KiSS provides a small amount of start up capital
- All members pay an amount into the group every month
- The members can then request a loan, the group vote on the loan and the member pays a small amount of interest.
- The loans are used for things such as buying property or land, healthcare, sending their children to school, food and nutrition and acquiring livestock.
We hope to roll this model out in more areas of Uganda.
What are the loans being spent on?
We currently have over 20 groups across Hoima and Kasambya. Below is a snapshot of what the members are using their loans for.