Sponsor a child

Sponsor a child today
Child sponsorship is your chance to change the life of a child in Uganda by sponsoring their education.
How it works
Your donation helps us support KiSS children and their community in Uganda.
KiSS ensures that every penny you donate goes where it will have the greatest impact on children’s lives. That means that your donations are not spent on one specific project in Uganda but most importantly where the need is greatest.
Child sponsorship starts at just £18.50 and could cover one or more of the following: school fees, uniform costs, school books and equipment including stationary, school meals, community outreach including health programmes and legal rights programmes. All of these costs and activities are vital to give a KiSS sponsored child the very best chance of success through education.
Whilst your donation will go into a pool of money used for the benefit of KiSS communities, the child that you receive updates from will be a KiSS sponsored child at school.
You can also send the sponsorship as a gift, this can be selected when you set up the sponsorship.
What you’ll receive
Once you have signed up and KiSS have received the first contribution, you will receive a welcome email from us which includes:
A recent photograph from KiSS sponsored child.
A certificate of sponsorship.
A drawing or letter from KiSS sponsored child.
Communication and gift guidelines and other important information.
You will be provided with yearly updates from KiSS sponsored child, this will include a recent photograph and a drawing or letter. If possible, we will provide more frequent updates. Please note that while we endeavour to provide you with hard copy letters/drawings, these may be scanned and provided via email due to the unreliability of the Ugandan postal service.
Please find out more about more about sponsor a child in our FAQs and find further guidance on communications and gifting here.